Monday, 8 March 2010

Double Page Spread Article - Second Draft

Despite titling this blog post as a "Second Draft" it would probably be more accurate to call it a rewrite. This is because I came up with more ideas for the article after doing the cover and contents page, and also I underestimated how much I would have to change the interview from being about a young man to being about a young woman. After some experimentation I found that it is possible I won't be able to fit the entirety of the article on the double page spread, and although this make me sad that some of my hard work may be wasted I must do what looks best for the magazine. I will abandon my feelings and ignore sentimentalities such as these, all for the sake of creating the best music magazine I can possibly make. As Chairman Mao said in his Little Red Book, "[A Communist] should be more concerned about the Party and the masses than about any individual, and more concerned about others than about himself." I am a Communist, in that I am more concerned about the overall standard of my work than my petty individual pride.

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