Wednesday 10 February 2010

Main Task - Music Magazine Contents Page First Draft

This is the first draft of my contents page. I feel that there is a lot that needs to be done on this, though to be honest I am not yet sure what. That is why I posted it here on my blog, so that people might be generous enough to post constructive criticisms with ideas about how to make it better.
I shall first talk about the things I do like. I feel that the image of Kerry dominating the bottom left of the page is very effective, and I like how she seems to be looking at the caption about her. I also like how I've made the text wrap around the main image, so that no space is wasted. The final thing I like is the different coloured page numbers, which I did to make it clear that they were separated. The colour used for the page numbers is the same colour I used for some of the text on the cover, and this should help slightly in maintaining a house-style.
Now for what I don't like. Somehow, despite being pretty much completely filled up, the contents page looks quite empty and boring. Perhaps this is because I used too much text and not enough pictures, so for my next draft I might try making the font sizes smaller so I can compress the writing together more. I tried to make the page a bit more interesting by having a picture on the bottom right; I used a picture of a man from my Mum's work as he is old and an old man is relevant to the article "The Good Ol' Days". I desaturated the picture to add to the feeling of oldness. Despite my efforts the contents page still looked boring, but now it was boring with a random old man on it. Something else I don't like is the date and issue number at the top right. I included them to comply with the conventions of all music magazines, but I think that they don't look very good. I considered and experimented with putting some kind of coloured box or circle around them to make them more appealing, but alas, it looked even worse, which is why there is no frame now.
Anyway, criticisms and ideas: throw them at me. Thank you.

1 comment:

Nathan Sundin said...

I really like how you have edited the picture of Kerry Anne, it works so well with the plain white background. A band index could be included or even some news :) You could add a "This Week" which indicates that you are talking about what is hot this week, or something similar. I also like the way she is looking up at her caption, as you have mentioned. You have definately done a good job at carrying on the colour scheme and font/style. You could include a competition or an offer to subscribe which would make it even more exciting than it already is. Overall, I actually think this is pretty immense, good job Chris :D