Tuesday 9 February 2010

My CD Cover Designs

As stated in my last post, I had decided to design some CD covers which I may be able to use on either my contents page or double page spread, or even on a later draft of my front cover. I came up with the three covers posted below which I made in Adobe Photoshop, but before condemning them please consider that I was trying to experiment and I am likely only going to be using one of them, or two at the most.

The first cover I did by using the magic wand tool with different tolerance levels to cut out the girl from the background. I removed the colour from the picture and then applied a rainbow gradient effect at 50%, so that it overlaid the background and the picture of the girl but so that the picture was still clearly visible. The reason for applying these effects was because I named the album "Not Always Black and White", and placing a rainbow colour scheme over a desaturated girl is obviously relevant to such a title.
For the second cover I applied some slight lighting effects, but went for a much simpler design overall. I didn't feel that anything would be gained by using snazzy effects, and so left the photo pretty much as it was (though cropped down of course). I used a white font as it mainly went over the girl's black hair and white is clearly visible on black. I used the font Harrington as it looks elegant and sophisticated, and the photo seems more in fitting with this. I noticed from the album covers research that the band/artist name is usually much larger than the album title, and I took this into account and applied it myself.

For the third and final cover I cropped the photo, but then decided the picture looked a bit boring by itself. I began to experiment with the different filters in the Filter Gallery until I found one that made the image look more exciting, but still suitable for an album cover. I eventually found and applied a filter called dark strokes, which made the image darker and blurrier (but in a good way) and gave the image an overall gothic feel. I'm not too happy with the background, font or album title, but this particular cover was meant mainly to test out different image effects. One interesting thing I did do to the text was to position each letter of "DEAD" individually and apply a tilt to each one. I personally quite like the slightly comical effect it gave, but whether it was suitable for the image I'm not too sure.

1 comment:

Nathan Sundin said...

third is best, very much like a album cover :D! The first one isnt too bad though :D the second one I think could use a little more editing :)