Monday 28 December 2009

Short list of Possible Magazine Titles

After having constructed my original list, I decided that before asking others for their I opinions I should first shorten the list down to five possible titles. This is because the responses would be more concentrated and therefore easier to interpret, and also some of the original ideas are so stupid that it would be pointless to include them. The following is my short list of five titles and my reasons for including them:
  • Stereo - Music related, simple one-word title, easy to remember
  • Untitled Track - Also music related, ironic, quite cool-sounding, gives off an attitude of calm disinterest
  • Restless - Kind of music related, restless from partying perhaps?, sense of excitement
  • Experience - Not really music related but seems laid-back and cool
  • RockIt - Music related, pun on rocket so easy to remember, put into one-word so it has a cool simplicity

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