Sunday 3 January 2010

Magazine Title Fonts - Part Two

As I said previously, I decided that I would try having a go at making metallic text for my title, as the finished design I saw in a tutorial looked like it would be suitable for my music magazine. The first design used the Oceania font, and I applied several effects to it to make it look like liquid metal. It ended up looking quite nice, but I felt that the texture was rather too ornate. None of the other music magazine titles I looked at had textured fonts for their titles; the closest was Kerrang! which had white lines cutting across it. The next design still retained a definite metallic feel to it, but it did so without needing the overly complicated texture present in the first design. I managed to do this by applying a multitude of different effects to it which made it appear like a shiny silvery type thing. I still didn't feel however, that this was yet good enough to be used for the masthead  of my magazine. I therefore began to look for fonts that would be more appropriate to use with a metallic effect such as the one I had used, and hence came across the font Decade. For the third design I applied the exact same effects as for the previous design but changed the font to Decade; this gave the whole design a more rugged feel which I liked a lot. At this point I began to question whether using silver coloured-text was really a good idea, as I felt that it may well end up clashing with any coloured photographs. I decided that I wanted to experiment with using black text while still retaining the metallic effect that was present in the previous designs, as I could possibly use a system of different coloured mastheads similar to the one I mentioned in this post. For the fourth design I again used Decade, and managed to keep a metal look by applying an outer and inner glow and also a bevel and emboss effect. I actually really liked how these effects turned out, but now felt that the font Decade was less fitting. I then decided to use the same effects for the fifth design but changed the font back to Oceania, and finally ended up with something that I thought would be perfect for my music magazine title.

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