Friday 29 January 2010

Main Task - Music Magazine Cover First Draft

The is the front cover for my music magazine. Once I decided on a main picture for my cover out of the ones most recently posted I began to add aspects to it that would make a music magazine. The image shown is actually my 10th stage of production, and it feels good to have progressed so far from just a picture. To the picture itself I applied lighting effects and added make-up using Adobe Photoshop (compare it to the raw image shown in the last blog post). I also added text about the cover girl and also about other bands that will appear inside the magazine. As well as this were components essential for a magazine, such as the barcode, the date and the price. One can also see that I used the masthead that I decided upon earlier.
I will talk later about the different processes involved in the cover's creation in detail, along with pictures showing the different stages I went through and choices I had to make.


Nathan Sundin said...

I really like this, take a look at mine. I don't think Joseph is very Rockish :p

Charlotte Bailey said...

The lighting effects are so good, I really like this cover. in general. Also, her make-up looks intense and bold. The red from her lips looks good used as a font colour for the coverlines.

Jack Jarvie said...

Blogger of the week, not bad Chris! I really like the use of colours that you have used. The red particularly i really like it almost blends in wih thehair your model has. I love the title of your maagzine i think it is fresh and contemporary. Well done!

ShakeyJakey said...

Yes Chris on Blog of the week ;) i can see why, loads of photos and info. I read a bit of the First Draft and it was really good. Also the Front page looks good however i can't really see the brownish writing, maybe a drop shadow? i don't really know. Loving it though!

Nathan Sundin said...

you popular piece of excellence :P lucky you, blogger of the week. I agree with Char on the make up :D The colours however make the text quite hard to read, such as the orangy/beige. The lighting effects are used well on her face. Good job :D

james.ellis said...

I believe your front cover has been designed very well with layout and colour .You can see that you have taken time to develop the positioning of the cover lines, only thing which needs work is the texts visibility seems very blurred.

Alex Bee said...

Congratulations on being Blogger of the Week! A very deserving winner.

Greatt cover, I like the lighting effects used and the way the make-up added enhances the model. But as others have said, I think the beige/brown text can be a struggle to read at times. Although it looks as though a drop shadow has already been used... maybe change the colour of it altogether?

Alysha Bennett said...

I love the photo on this, and how you have lighted it. I also think that the make up on the model is so good, really brings attention to her eyes.

Glenn Rice said...

Hello baby.
I'm loving your magazine! The photo that you, obviously, took of, obviously, your friend and, obviously, used real make up for is really expressive. Her body language and eye position makes her look like a proper celebrity.
I don't know what it is but something about this magazine loks more like a womans magazine instead of a music mag. I have no idea what genre you're aiming it at.
Apart from the meanings of them, the subheadlines and their quotes are really nicely colour coordinated as they more or less match the colours of, obviously, your friend.
Vast improvement from the previous front page I saw!


Glenn Rice said...

I actually havce a constructive cricism for you! The title of the magazine seems a bit bleak and doesn't stand out, probably because it's a dull colour compared to the rest of the magazine. I don't know, maybe give it an outer glow or make it a brighter colour. Or don't do anything which is cool too. :(