Saturday 2 January 2010

Research on Music Magazine Mastheads

Before starting to design my own magazine masthead, I thought it would be a good idea to have a look at some real life ones to get a better idea about the codes and conventions involved. And so, pictured left are the title designs of what I previously said I considered to be the main five UK music magazines. I will analyse each of these mastheads and keep in mind the designs when beginning the creation process of my own masthead.

I noticed that Uncut and Mojo have variations of their mastheads based on colour, so that if their usual colour (white) doesn't look good with a particular front cover photo they can change it. I have included two examples that I managed to find of covers which don't use the usual masthead colour. I could possibly make use of a similar system if I choose to have a masthead which consists only of text rather than one that is more image-like, like NME, Q and Kerrang!.

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